Platform Pulse YouTube Growth Target Market Research for YouTube Growth

Target Market Research for YouTube Growth

ChatGPT Prompt:

I help youtubers, who you think your customers are?
youtube beginners that do youtube content.
What you help them achieve?
Youtube growth through easy steps.
how you plan on doing it?
Who is my target market?
What are their current problems?
What behaviors is my prospect doing as a result of these problems?
What are the magic bullets to solve these problems?
What are the 5-7 things they should hear?
What are the 5-7 things they want to hear?
Who is another person in the customers life whose perspectives would be important to them?
What are their perspectives?
What do they think that person is thinking?

Break this down systematically to give you a clear picture of your customers, their problems, and the solutions you’ll provide:

Try it out and tweak it to your liking.

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